Monday, October 17, 2011


Not even a month into our stay and we awaited the threat of a major hurricane…

Monday, October 10th. We spent most of the day getting things ready for the hurricane, cleaning up loose items in the yard, putting things in totes so they wouldn't get wet, and gathering food and water. The sun only peeked out a few times and stayed hidden behind the gloomy clouds and light breeze. The men had their small group at Starbucks near the shore and could see the waves growing stronger as they crashed against the beachfront walls. That evening the soft wind stilled to a heated calmness.

October, 11th. Tuesday morning we woke to a light sprinkle that would come in and out; the only thing that really had progressed since the day before. We continued to clean up little things around the house, put towels in front of the doors, and let the pups in while they were still dry; of course they were excited to be inside. The neighbors across the street boarded up their windows and packed their car making me question our stay. The normally loudspeaker cars that would drive by selling goods and other treats no longer sounded their horns, everyone was just waiting.

We passed the time by reading, studying our Spanish, and watching out the not so exciting window. The pups also entertained us as they played together. I cooked some rice that we could eat later just in case we wanted something other than peanut butter sandwiches and dry cereal. Also packing up a small suitcase of a few days worth of clothes, I prepared for the future in case we needed to leave the house for a safer place to stay; Dane was convinced we wouldn't need to worry saying, "we don't even know how bad it's going to be". But I didn't want to be caught unprepared.

In the early afternoon the team traveled up to the church property to make sure the water was draining properly. We stood outside, rain trickling down our faces, feet and legs muddy while we overlooked the city. The rain began to fall faster as we noticed a stream beginning to form down the face of the mountain coming towards us. That's when we decided it was time to go.

Dane and I drove the 7 blocks from Josh and Susan's to our home to get in a good meal and make sure the rest of our things were picked up off the floor in case of flooding. As we sat and finished up our meal and an episode of FRIENDS the lights flickered off for a second only to came back on again. We decided to put the dogs in the bathroom and go to Josh and Susan's where we could use the Internet one last time.

By the time we reached the house the Internet was gone, no more communication with family or getting updates about the storm. My nerves then increased while Dane grew more excited.

The drizzle from the morning pelted heavier droplets and the winds began to increase. Still people strolled the sidewalks and visited the tiendas. As the night grew darker I bunkered into the chair across from Brook telling life stories and exchanging fears about the storm. Cracking branches from nearby trees threatened their falls with each time Brook and I peeking out the window not giving a guess to which one made the eerie sounds.

Falling back into conversation we heard the cracking again only this time it left us frozen with fear as it crashed into the side of the house falling just short of Josh and Susan's jeep taking with it adjacent trees and a street sign. Filled with adrenalin my hands began to shake and my heart pounded with excitement. The guys taped into their manly desire to make sure everything was safe and protected. Dane hopped into the car, soaking wet, moving it out of the way from the trees that could potentially destroy it and afterwards standing in the freezing rain admiring the giant tree that had been uprooted.

After everyone shared their experience of the fallen tree and the excitement settled we chatted as suddenly the lights flickered and left us blind in the dark. We gathered together flashlights and phones so we could make it across the room to all sit among each other. The only thing to do was to wait and listen to the sound of the wind and rain.

By 12 am Dane decided that we would venture out into the street to drive home. I was reluctant to go for I was afraid to reach a full house of water and whatever else my mind could muster up that went terribly wrong. My strongly dug -n heels loosened as I stepped out the door and ran behind my husband to the car, umbrella flying in the wind. Drenched and shivering we road through the unsettling roads. Branches were covering the cobblestone, whole trees were uprooted and water was flushing out sand in-between every crevasse and rock in the area. Now I was sure we would have to head back to Josh and Susan's for the night.

Once we reached the door we quickly searched the house for water however we found none. There was no broken windows or huge puddles to clean up, just a sigh of relief to breathe out. I had exhausted my mind of the things that could have happen but God kept us safe from harm and our things untouched. My shoulders loosened and I finally felt safe. We closed our eyes and rested our bodies for we didn't know what the sun would unveil the next day.

After we woke and got ready for the day we set out of the neighborhood to find everyone working on their yards and helping their neighbors with fallen trees and masses of water. As we drove in our car we saw the banana field only a few houses down from us releasing gallons upon gallons of water creating a new river where there once was a pathway for vehicles. I was still amazed we were left untouched.

All of this water gathered and poured into the river wiping out bridges, cars and homes. Downtown was covered in 6 feet of mud in which the ocean was carrying it out for you could see the divide between blue and brown. Soon the ocean would carry away the muck and living would return to normal…

Throughout the destruction God provided his protection. Through my fear He showed me His security. Once again God remains the same! 

Mud Covered Streets 
Footprints in the muck
Tree that had Fallen on Josh & Susan's House


Ocean Day After Jova
Ocean Carrying Away the Mud

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

On My Own

 Before we left for Mexico my sister gave me a ride on her motorcycle ...

But I wanted to know how to ride for myself...

It was only around the parking lot but I got up to 30 mph! :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Blog: Long Time No See...

It has been quite a while since my last post. Things have been very hectic as we have prepared, traveld, and explored. Since our last post we have moved from our 4 month stay with my sister and brother-in-law in Ames, Iowa to our 3,500 mile destination in Manzanillo Mexico!

Dane left at 7am on Sunday Sept. 11 from Marion, IA to Wichita, KS... all was good. However, the next day didn't go as smoothly for our fellow traveler and team member due to experiencing a few tire blowouts on his trailer. The boys were hoping to make it to San Antonio, TX (only a short drive from the border) but instead they ended up stopping 5 hrs from the border. Everyone was pretty tired and worn out from changing tires and driving all day but they still needed to figure out a way to continue to take the trailer into the mountains of Mexico... this meant they had to take out some luggage. After lightening the load the boys were set the next morning with their destination 4 hrs over the border. They made it but this time they ended up staying an extra night in a hotso they could get one of the cars checked out because it was making some unpleasant noises. The extra stay was unexpected but ended up being a nice break from traveling. Setting out for their last day of travel the boys got separated from their leader due to roadwork... with NO way to communicate! So.... they made the executive decision to just make it to Manzanillo as fast as they could. At nearly 9pm the boys pulled into the driveway to meet a very nervous yet relieved woman who was able to relay to their leader that they had been found! Finally... after 5 days of travel they made it.

My travels were not as exciting (thank goodness) with a few plane tickets and a 4 hr. car ride. My mom and aunt took off the day to drive me to St. Louis where we stayed in a hotel where we sifted through my nearly 100 lb. bag trying to make it lighter. I wasn't sure how that was going to happen because I had already tired to lighten it sever times the week before. My mom was so sweet for she emptied out her travel bag and told me to take it as a carry-on (a very heavy carry-on).  With many tears I told my family goodbye... with much support I traveled on... It was so hard to say goodbye to my family but my mom left me with so much encouragement.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Outreach Orientation

Just a little "Blerp" about our weekend of orientation:

Last weekend we spent time getting to know our sending organization in a more personal way as well as getting to know some other great people with some pretty encouraging visions. We were really able to put some things into perspective and remember the reasons why we are doing what we are. Our time for departure is getting closer and closer which brings about a slew of emotions - excitement, fear, encouragement, determination, reality, love, sadness, boldness, creativity, etc. We made some great friendships and built on the ones that were already in place. We are thankful~

Monday, August 22, 2011

Apostle Islands

My family along with Dane & I just got back last week from a week of vacation. We didn't go anywhere tropical or on a cruise but we went somewhere really fun... Apostle Islands.

We had never heard of this place before but decided to check it out. It looked so adventurous and relaxing, we couldn't pass it up.
Sun Set from our Cabbin

We began the 8hr drive from Marion to Bayfield, WI. We rented a cabin that was the perfect size for our growing family which had a beautiful view overlooking the water of Lake Superior. The morning sun rises and evening sun sets were so beautiful and peaceful, it was exacly what we needed out of a vacation home.

Team of Swikers
Dane & Jordan made up a new way of "transportation" called swiking. This is a combination of swimming and hiking. The boys came up with it one morning as they were down by the water and decided they wanted to figure out what was beyond "that rock" so they set out for an adventure that took quite a while. After they came back they were so excited at how far they had gotten and made plans to swike from our cabin to Bayfield (which was about 5 miles).

On our next outting we had to take the Ferry to Madeline Island (this was the biggest of all the islands) where we met up with a few other people and a very well worded man who took us kayaking. None of us had really kayaked before and it looks decivingly easy, but it's not! We paddled out to an area where there are some sea caves which took about an hour of paddling. It was very beautiful and well worth it!

Our next outting was to Raspberry Island where there is a lighthouse. It was extremely windy and fairly cold that day so the water was very rough, this made for a fun time getting on and off the boat with 3 ft. swells! Our guide told us what it was like to be a lighthouse keeper in the early 1900's... I'm not so sure I would want that job!

To the left is a picture of the whole family after our tour of all the Islands on the Island Princess.

On the right is Dane & I at the Berry Farm where we picked fresh Raspberries & Blueberries. They were very delicious (I ate about 3/4 of what we picked)!

The girls had fun horseback riding while the guys went golfing. Each of us had a horse with it's own personality. Chelsea rode Snoopy who had a hard time keeping up with the group. Mom had Apolo who couldn't be away from Kylie's horse, Brutis however, Brutis didn't care one bit about Apolo. I rode Scarlet who was easy going and went along with everyone else. We had a lot of fun!!

The whole Family outside our Cabbin

We sure had a great trip! Next family vacation... Mexico :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Out with the Old

Bittersweet Parting~

After being on Craigslist for only a day we received an offer for Dane's 1992 Chevy S10. This baby got Dane through High School, College, and then some. We weren't expecting too much out of it (since it's 19 years old) but by only having 86,000 miles helped us a lot!

We are thankful that it got us through and helped us put money towards our new car purchase... I will miss that truck a little bit.

Everything has been insight for Mexico, it's so exciting to make moves towards it!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

New Transportation

Since Dane and I have been looking for a car since about March it's very nice to say that we finally purchased a new vehicle!

Originally we wanted a Subaru Forester or Outback but we just didn't find much so we decided to go another direction. My brother-in-law has an escape and they have been very pleased with it. They can fit a lot of belongings in it {especially if they're going on a long trip... which we will be doing since we are moving to Mexico :) }, they can pull loads, and Jordan carries his bike on top a lot. Gas mileage also isn't shot so that's a great plus!

Front View

Front Seats

CD/DVD Player

Sun Roof

Back Seats

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tickets Bought!

We have finally set a fly out date: September, 20th 2011! 

Jessie & I will be flying out of St. Louis Tuesday morning with our end destination in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Dane, Jammie & Josh plan to leave on the 16th making the 32hr drive ~ oh boy!

I'm excited to help out since Jessie will have a 5 month old baby :) and I do like to fly, plus some bonding time with one of our partners is always great!

I have been trying to put together a "homemade" travel kit, we will see how that goes :)


Friday, July 8, 2011

A Week With High Schoolers...

Kylie "Planking"
Last week I attended a week long conference with 15 high schoolers! It was such a blast and I learned a lot about God. This was also my first event as a youth coach & I would definitely do it again. Im thankful for all the new people I met and that I was able to keep going even when I was exhausted. It was nice being able to be there with my parents and one of my sisters.

Glass Water Bottle with
Old Fashion Topper
Each morning my mom & I would get up early and walk a few blocks to the coffee shop Lemonjello {pronounced Lemon-Jello -or- LeMon-Jello, universalism at its finest - that's for my mom:) } They had really great fair trade organic coffee. I also bought this awesome water bottle... its glass. Nothing super special but I like it :)

Each morning we had a session and some quiet time. I really enjoyed the sessions, they really seemed to stick to the bible & use that as their main source. Of course there was some skits & cool videos.

We did a lot of walking but that was right up my ally so I had no complaints there. Some of the students played dodgeball {I opted out of that... 8th grade scaring} and we took lots of naps!

Thankfully we had no breakdowns  or accidents; we really were kept safe! Im very excited to see how each one of the students continue in their faith.


Thursday, June 30, 2011

The home stretch of the study

WOW it has been over two weeks since this whole thing started and looking back it went very fast.  Some days passed slow but weeks flew bye.  Tomorrow is our last day of the IV dose and the 2nd will be our last dose of the diabetic med.  Those two days will be kind of busy as we have blood draws about every hour to see how it is moving through our blood and interacting with each other.  The past several days have been days that are over by 10:30 am and we have it to ourself.  We will have two days of that after the busy days and then get to do more blood work on the 5th before we are discharged.  Assuming all goes well hopefully we will be out of here by 11am.  Please be praying for the car that it will start when the time to leave comes.  It had a little trouble when i was getting ready to come here so your prayers would be greatly appreciated.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Visitors & Giant Plate

It has been a long past couple of weeks since Dane has been gone. Jessie was so awesome to drive 2 hours with her little one to visit me! We had so much fun catching up {I had a lot of baby questions}. We went to Wheatsfield {a local store that carries true organic products} where we looked around and ate a huge yummy lunch. Jessie & I loaded up our plates {over 1lb haha} and ate it all up! There were some new & interesting foods we tried. After we made a simple little craft that all should be looking for in the near future:)
Thank you Jessie for being an amazing friend, I had so much fun and look forward to our future partnership!
Jessie & her little man with her plate of food!
 My plate of food.
 Mr. was so tired.
 Our new craft.
 poor little guy was so thrown off schedule but he fell asleep a little while Chelsea was holding him.


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Days 8,9,10

Three more day down and about 12 to go.  It has gone fast, looking back i cant believe i have been here for 10 days.  But then again i still have 12 left and that just seems like forever.  The past 3 day have been the same as 6 and 7 we take the drug in the morning my dose is at 10:30 exactly.  We cant get out of bed for 30 min after our dose and no water for an hour. Then we have the day to do what we want.  On day 9 we got to go for a walk,  it was nice out and had a good stroll around the parking lot twice.  it was a big parking lot and it felt good to get out and walk, being active in some way.  Our days will continue to be the same until the 24th then we dose again with IV and the next day we go back to the same schedule we are on again until the 1st of july.  I haven't had any side effects yet and still feeling great.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Crafty Craft

I've been pretty bored lately as Dane is gone & sometimes I'm home alone. I have been looking up several different cheap crafts and have kept myself busy with them. My first few didnt turn out the best but I got a little better as I went. My paper wasn't colored on both sides so I had to glue them together to make them a little more colorful. It was pretty simple, just the way I like :)


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 5,6

Day 5

Today was very laid back.  We were woke up to have our vitals taken and a blood draw around 7 in the morning.  After that we were done for the day and could do what we wanted.  I spent most of the day in my bed watching House, and Scrubs and played some xbox live.  All in all a very easy good day.  I have started drinking coffee again.  Its decaf but its still something, its a little weaker then i like but hey beggars cant be chosers i suppose.

Day 6

Today we took the test drug E5555.  It was four pills in the morning.  We wake up and had our vitals taken again around 7.  I went back to sleep until somewhere between 8:30 and 9.  It was nice to sleep in instead of waking up when the first person has to get up.  After taking the medicine we had to sit in bed for 30 minutes and not drink anything for an hour.  That is all we had to do for the day.  So again we could do what we wanted so my day was the same as the last.  It is getting a little mundane but i have my xbox so that gives me something to do besides sit and watch movies and tv.  I am starting to miss working out and want to run or lift of anything.  Im already looking ahead to the end so that i can get back in shape.  I am missing Ashley a lot its nice though because i can text her and call her whenever i want.  Its hard being away from her but the time is going fast looking back, but slow looking forward.  Today i 7:30 i have drank over 2500 ML so thats about 2.5 litters of fluid, and im in the middle of another 480 ML and might have some coffee before i sleep.

The next week will be the exact same as today and wont change until the 24th so we will see if the repetition and not doing anything gets to me or if i can handle the same thing day after day.  I think i will be fine but we will see.


Friday, June 17, 2011

Early Morning

Not too sure how I would get up at 5:45 without my cup of coffee :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The DRUG Study

So since monday the 13th i have been at Quintiles.  I have decided to keep up to date well the best that i can with what i am doing here.  SO we are on day four now and it has gone very well.  I am living here for 22 days and staying in a room with seven other guys who are doing the same study that i am.  We are on a "special diet" we cant have any condiments except for pepper, no caffeine, candy, gum or anything like that.  We cant exercise or anything like that and cant go outside unless they take us out.  We are asked to eat as much of the food as we can on days when we take the diabetic medicine to make sure our blood sugar doesn't drop. We are also required to keep a liquid log and have to drink at least 2 litters a day and right down how much we drank and at what time.  There is also another group of people here on the same study that we are and i think they are about done.

The first two days were very simple.  Day 1 was full of suspense and wondering i was going to get to participate or be asked to be a back up or just go home.  By 5 that evening i was told that i would be participating in the study.  day 2 i sat in my bed for most day watching movies mostly House on my computer or watching tv on my bedside tv.  I have my xbox hooked up to it and have been playing online as well.  I also got to go outside today for about 45 min.  there is a gated patio that we get to sit out at normally around 8:30-9 they will take anyone out that wants to go.

Day 3

Our first day of dosing.  We were given a blood catheter so that we wouldn't have to be stuck 12 times throughout the day.  Our vitals were taken and they began to get us ready to receive the first drug.  This one was given through and IV so we were given a dosing catheter as well.  Through out the day we had to drink a cup of water when they told us to and then go to the bathroom and pee in a jug.  We were put on urine collection and have to pee in a jug every time we go to the bathroom.  It was a busy day of several test and blood draws and an ECG to make sure we were doing well.  I had to stay up until 1 for my last blood draw for the dose.

Day 4

I had to get up early today.  I was awake at 6:45 because there were about five nurses in our room getting people ready for another ECG and vitals and a dose of the diabetic med.  Today the med was only a pill in the morning but we still had about 11 blood draws, lucky for me i decided to keep the blood draw catheter in so i don't feel anything when they take my blood.  We are still on urine collection so i have begun to get used to going to the bathroom in a jug.  I was brushing my teeth this morning and watched a lady pass out and fall straight back and smack her head on the ground.  She was fine though besides the pain in her head.  I herd a doctor talking and she was new and hadn't even gotten any meds.  So it was like a bad reaction or anything like that.  Our meals are on a staggered plan today so i eat later than almost everyone there is a 10 min difference between every person so when the first guy gets his food its about and hour and a half until i get mine.  So toady i wont get dinner until 7:30.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tiramisu Love

This was from Dane & my 2 year anniversary celebration, Tiramisu. I thought to add it because it was so yummy and to encourage others to try it. It has a hint of coffee so of course we loved it. We got this from a local coffee shop here in Ames; it was pretty good :)
