Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 5,6

Day 5

Today was very laid back.  We were woke up to have our vitals taken and a blood draw around 7 in the morning.  After that we were done for the day and could do what we wanted.  I spent most of the day in my bed watching House, and Scrubs and played some xbox live.  All in all a very easy good day.  I have started drinking coffee again.  Its decaf but its still something, its a little weaker then i like but hey beggars cant be chosers i suppose.

Day 6

Today we took the test drug E5555.  It was four pills in the morning.  We wake up and had our vitals taken again around 7.  I went back to sleep until somewhere between 8:30 and 9.  It was nice to sleep in instead of waking up when the first person has to get up.  After taking the medicine we had to sit in bed for 30 minutes and not drink anything for an hour.  That is all we had to do for the day.  So again we could do what we wanted so my day was the same as the last.  It is getting a little mundane but i have my xbox so that gives me something to do besides sit and watch movies and tv.  I am starting to miss working out and want to run or lift of anything.  Im already looking ahead to the end so that i can get back in shape.  I am missing Ashley a lot its nice though because i can text her and call her whenever i want.  Its hard being away from her but the time is going fast looking back, but slow looking forward.  Today i 7:30 i have drank over 2500 ML so thats about 2.5 litters of fluid, and im in the middle of another 480 ML and might have some coffee before i sleep.

The next week will be the exact same as today and wont change until the 24th so we will see if the repetition and not doing anything gets to me or if i can handle the same thing day after day.  I think i will be fine but we will see.


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