Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Out with the Old

Bittersweet Parting~

After being on Craigslist for only a day we received an offer for Dane's 1992 Chevy S10. This baby got Dane through High School, College, and then some. We weren't expecting too much out of it (since it's 19 years old) but by only having 86,000 miles helped us a lot!

We are thankful that it got us through and helped us put money towards our new car purchase... I will miss that truck a little bit.

Everything has been insight for Mexico, it's so exciting to make moves towards it!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

New Transportation

Since Dane and I have been looking for a car since about March it's very nice to say that we finally purchased a new vehicle!

Originally we wanted a Subaru Forester or Outback but we just didn't find much so we decided to go another direction. My brother-in-law has an escape and they have been very pleased with it. They can fit a lot of belongings in it {especially if they're going on a long trip... which we will be doing since we are moving to Mexico :) }, they can pull loads, and Jordan carries his bike on top a lot. Gas mileage also isn't shot so that's a great plus!

Front View

Front Seats

CD/DVD Player

Sun Roof

Back Seats

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tickets Bought!

We have finally set a fly out date: September, 20th 2011! 

Jessie & I will be flying out of St. Louis Tuesday morning with our end destination in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Dane, Jammie & Josh plan to leave on the 16th making the 32hr drive ~ oh boy!

I'm excited to help out since Jessie will have a 5 month old baby :) and I do like to fly, plus some bonding time with one of our partners is always great!

I have been trying to put together a "homemade" travel kit, we will see how that goes :)


Friday, July 8, 2011

A Week With High Schoolers...

Kylie "Planking"
Last week I attended a week long conference with 15 high schoolers! It was such a blast and I learned a lot about God. This was also my first event as a youth coach & I would definitely do it again. Im thankful for all the new people I met and that I was able to keep going even when I was exhausted. It was nice being able to be there with my parents and one of my sisters.

Glass Water Bottle with
Old Fashion Topper
Each morning my mom & I would get up early and walk a few blocks to the coffee shop Lemonjello {pronounced Lemon-Jello -or- LeMon-Jello, universalism at its finest - that's for my mom:) } They had really great fair trade organic coffee. I also bought this awesome water bottle... its glass. Nothing super special but I like it :)

Each morning we had a session and some quiet time. I really enjoyed the sessions, they really seemed to stick to the bible & use that as their main source. Of course there was some skits & cool videos.

We did a lot of walking but that was right up my ally so I had no complaints there. Some of the students played dodgeball {I opted out of that... 8th grade scaring} and we took lots of naps!

Thankfully we had no breakdowns  or accidents; we really were kept safe! Im very excited to see how each one of the students continue in their faith.
